Los 5 consejos de Taylor Knox para ser un buen surfista..
Knox lleva unos 20 años surfeando unos muchimos años dentro del tour se ha recuperado de lesiones muy serias y casi siempre se ha mantenido por debajo del puesto 20 del ranking mundial ASP .. toda una leccion de como surfear y como vivir
aqui sus 5 reglas de oro de como ser mejor surfista,
Taylor's High Five
Taylor Knox has been at the very apex of all things surfing now for 20 years. His smooth, powerful style has never lost its edge and his all round act has stayed progressive through two decades. Currently in a record 19th consecutive year on the elite ASP World Tour, Taylor’s career has been a lesson in how to surf and how to live. Who better to ask then for five golden rules on how to be a better surfer.
1) Never turn your back to the ocean. Always pay attention to the conditions at all times. By constantly knowing what the waves, weather and ocean is up to you will be in a much better position to score better waves. It’s a simple thing, but I live my life by it.
2) Practice makes perfect. I make sure I surf even on the bad days, especially if you haven't surfed in a while. It’s sometimes easy to come up with an excuse not to surf, but I’ll guarantee you will always come out feeling better for getting in the water and way more prepared when the waves get good.
3) Don't try to ride the glass slipper. Trying to ride boards that are too narrow or too thin makes surfing a little frustrating. Remember that foam is your friend and that by riding the boards that suit you and the waves you ride, you’ll have a far better surf.
4) Trust your gut feeling when it comes to riding big waves - riding big waves is a special part of surfing, but there is only one person that knows your limit and that’s you. In times of pressure or adrenalin, don’t over think it, let your instincts take over. They will keep you stoked and safe.
5) Ride a Carver skateboard on the days you can't surf. There’s plenty of days when you can’t surf and for me the next best thing is to surf the concrete on my skateboard. It amps me to try new carves in the next surf and is as much fun as you can have out of the water.