sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Longboarding - Los Pobladores

Los Angeles is right in our backyard and we're happy to present our first video really featuring downtown LA. We really did not show the clean parts of downtown in this video but rather a very grungy, slightly dirty, and colorful arts district of LA with Ari ripping the Fattail. You may recognize Ari from the "Swirling Samas" video; he has a very unique dance style that is very entertaining to watch. What is impressive is that he can still bust out intricate footwork moves on a smaller, more sensitive board like the Fattail. Stoked to present this video to you all. It has a very "Sunny Side Up" feel with fast cuts of B-Roll on the beats. We focused on doing a lot of follow shots to create a dynamic vibe with lots of movement and action. I had fun playing around with city sound effects for this video. Adam S. killed it with the filming, and Ari jammed on his board.