Here’s the full article about our “Plank” model surfboard from ESPN.COM
By Jon Coen
…Lost Plank
There was a time that you only had one choice of things to ride on a gutless summer day. It was, quite literally — a plank — a longboard, a heavy, suntanned, probably something you switched off riding with your friends, or a hand-me-down from your uncle.
Then the fish came back in the mid 90s to save us from the foam-starved direction that pro surfers were taking us in. The modern fish evolved for a decade as well. Then certain surf stars, the same group who bought us 17 3/4″ slivers at 2 1/32″ thick, admitted to having a fetish for stubbier things with wide points forward. Concaves were tweaked. Rockers were decreased. And by 2010, the best selling surfboard in the world was a glorified fish. Now we’re back to planks?
What it is:
It’s called the Plank, but not the kind you’re thinking of. To be fair, …Lost’s Matt Biolos, as a shaper, is more of a leader than a follower. He’s been experimenting with Rockets, Grockets, and Squash-It’s forever. The Plank, and the more pronounced “Uber Plank,” are part of …Lost’s ‘Post Modern Fun’ line, designed for the weakest of dribble, so you never have to ride a longboard. According to Biolas, he was inspired by a “Mini Simmons” twin keel retro board. His Plank is a diamond-tail quad with virtually no rocker and an outline fuller than a cruise ship tourist looking for the buffet. We’re talking 20-plus inches of width on these things. Check this video of Kolohe Andino, James Woods, and Aaron Cormican putting the Uber Plank to the test at Lower Trestles